
Monday, August 25, 2014

Book of Shadows Blessing

The other day I posted how I protect my Book of Shadows. Today I would like to share my Book of Shadows Blessing with you. This blessing will provide magical protection, just like the Book of Shadows Botanical Protection Spell, and charge it with magical intent.

Book of Shadows Blessing

Say this blessing over your Book of Shadows. You can do this before or after the protection spell.
"In the realm of magic this book shall reside.
No one but the chosen shall see what's inside.
May I protect it, keep it from harm,
And upon it bestow power, magic, and charm.
No one without wisdom shall peer at its pages,
or the knowledge inside handed down through the ages.
This book be it mine, it harbors no fears.
The knowledge obtained through blood, sweat, and tears.
This book I bless with spiritual light,
And let only the chosen read of its rite.
For those of the Craft truly can see,
This this is my will, so mote it be."
Once said, copy this into the front page of your BOS. Either write it by hand in your best writing or type it out. I find typing and handwriting are equally magical when you actually do the work yourself. Do not COPY and paste this blessing. In order to completely infuse its power into you BOS you must write it yourself. 

Feel free to modify this blessing as you see fit. I purposely didn't use the God or Goddess because I don't believe in them, but you will probably ask for them to protect your book. For example you can change the line "This book I bless..." to say "This book may Goddess bless..." or change "May I protect it..."  to "May God protect it..."

Do you have your own BOS Blessing? Please share in the comments!


  1. I know this post is over four years old... But let the god and goddesses and spirits no, you have answered my wish. I've been looking for this for days. Mahalo

    1. I'm so glad the article helped you! Thank you for reading.

  2. I have been looking for this! Blessings✨

  3. Would it work the same if I write the blessing in the back of my book?

    1. Of course! Completely up to you how you set up your grimoire.

  4. hello so i can use the exact same wording and everything exactly but i can copy and paste directly, like i could write it exactly how it is on my bos with all the exact punctuation and word choices?

  5. Thank you! I have been looking for this everywhere, I am a baby witch and this helped me greatly.

    1. Of course! I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

  6. This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm finally at the place where I can start to put all the scattered bits of knowledge in countless notebooks into one Grimoire. Blessings to you!

    1. Of course! Thank you for reading and commenting. :)

  7. I know this was made 7 years ago but can u use this for any book or just a grimor or book of showdows

    1. I generally use this specifically for protecting anything that is used for magical purposes, so tarot notes, dream journals, hedge riding notes, BoS, grimoire, etc.

  8. i am starting to have interest in witchcraft so i have started my own book of secrets, i hope this blessing works i accidently wrote in it before blessing it. any tips on what to put in my book of secrets?? love this blessing. Also, if im starting witchcraft does that make me a baby witch?

    1. It really doesn't matter what order you did them in as the intention is there nonetheless. What you put in your Book of Secrets totally depends on what you want it to be for. Are you looking at recording your personal feelings, research, and spells all in one book, or do you want it to be more for research? My grimoire consists entirely of research on sabbats, the elements, herbs, crystals, folklore, charms, etc, but I keep a journal on all my personally performed spells and rituals, dreams, etc.

      Personally, I don't like the term baby witch, but you can refer to yourself however you want. You are a witch who happens to be new to the Craft.

  9. what happens if you dont do the protection spell as you have none of the resources?? will it still work as fine?? i hope so..

    1. This is a spell that requires nothing more than you writing your intentions into your book. There are tons of other ways you can protect your book that may be more doable to you. Heck, write your own protection spell and chant it over the book with a candle lit. Draw a protection sigil on the inside cover and call it a day. Whatever works for you. There are no rules!

  10. Thank you for this article. This is exactly what i was looking for xx

  11. I have been looking for something like this for a while, exactly what I was after. Brightest Blessings


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