Welcome back to the Hedgewitch's Guide to Rune Magic mini series. Last time I posted six possible layouts you can use when casting runes. Today I would like to post the other six layouts I previously mentioned: the Runic Cross, Seven Rune Cast, Runic V, Nine Grid, Tree of Life, and Futhark Cast.
Remember, you can use one of the five methods I mentioned earlier or one of your own methods. Furthermore, you don't need to use a layout if you don't want to. These layouts are for more indepth answers. Some people simply draw a rune a day to gain insight. Use what you feel is best.
Runic Cross
I know the Futhark layout is difficult to read in this post. Clicking on the image will enlarge it. It is also available on the free BOS page located at the bottom of the post.
Remember, this is not a comprehensive list, only what I have found through research so far. If you read your runes differently, please comment below. Do you use a layout not included in my list? In my last post in this series I will talk about how to recognize upright and inverted runes.

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As a fellow Hedgewitch, I wanted to tell you as long as I've been following this site I've never felt a need to comment but since now I am, I want to let you know I love this website and the way you explain/communicate! so, onto the reason I felt a need to comment.
ReplyDeleteI know this may sound a bit, wrong (for lack of better words) but as I have come through my own knowledge/experience with runes --currently and honestly I feel the rest of my life will-- only ever apply one "spread/layout". My personal thoughts (*these are my thoughts-- I am not meaning to affect anyone negatively with this statement*) on Runes and Runic Magick is that these sacred inscriptions in wood, to simply state, are not Tarot cards, and are in no way relative in how they should be used.
Tarot cards imploy layouts and I love searching for every layout for Tarot that I haven't learned yet. With that being said, Runes are much more primal/instinctually rooted in anything and everything that has to do with them. To me, I've also realized there has not been as many "translations based off translations" as in Tarot (and I absolutely LOVE Tarot, but these points are made to show where I stand in why they should be approached a bit differently).
When using Runes, I let my still-not-quite-tamed Visions to be not at all affected or tampered by my conscious mind, and then proceed to use the Scatter Cast. I have heard frequent comments on this is a pretty challenging method to people new with Runes, but also for those not as strong or maybe just not in-tune with their psychic abilities/Clair senses.
This cast is very simple to describe, but that's kind of because the entirety of the cast is heavily laying on your psychic strengths/how aware you are with where your strengths lie concerning Clair/Psychic.
You simply reach into the bag and grab a handful. Then you scatter them in front of you; The ones that are closest to you are closest in time to relevance and the ones farther out from you are of relevance to you/the situation further out in the future. Also it's important to write down/remember any/all Runes that lay close to each other, because those will affect each other in the reading.
This is by far the most effective technique I've ever come to find and felt that others should have the opportunity to try it as well!
Brightest Blessings!
I fully agree with you! When I cast, I tend to pull 3 or 4 runes randomly and read. Others prefer to just toss them. However, there are still those that look at taking a more formal approach to rune casting, preferring the use of spreads like those in tarot. Marietta over at Witchy Words is one of those witches that prefers a spread. Personally, I don't use a spread. Like you I feel runes are more primal in nature, unlike tarot.
DeleteThank you for reading and sharing your rune experiences with everyone. You offer some really great insights into rune casting!